Keeping your chimney in prime condition is a very important aspect of your home maintenance. With Clean Sweep Chimney Services Inc., chimney service care is just a phone call away! Their cleaning and repair services can keep your fireplace burning bright. Spending a little on maintenance now can save you thousands in future repairs.
Ash and creosote are the most common troublemakers for chimneys. Creosote is highly flammable and can cause a chimney fire if unchecked. Also, it can cause major damage to your metal flue system. Creosote can cause fast metal deterioration – specifically where the flue joints are combined. Cleaning these natural contaminants out of your chimney is a vital part of its maintenance and health.
Uncapped chimneys can also cause problems if not inspected regularly. Birds, rodents, and other pests can use this access to build nests in your chimney. These can block the regular flow of your chimney, causing dangerous carbon monoxide to enter your home. The pests themselves can also be hazardous if they decide to come all the way down your chimney and enter your home.

Clean Sweep Inspection Benefits
Furthermore, a Clean Sweep chimney inspection can uncover any wear or tear that can cause potential problems. Cracked or damaged chimneys can also allow water in, causing erosion in the mortar between the bricks or wood rot in the surrounding area. This can also lead to dangerous mold formation as well. A cracked chimney can also allow smoke into your home, potentially harming your family’s health. In a worst-case scenario, a cracked and damaged chimney can even lead to your chimney collapsing, causing damage to your home’s structural integrity.
Clean Sweep can provide your chimney with the proper maintenance and repair work to prevent these hazards from harming your family. Also, they pride themselves on leaving your home as clean as they found it, using the latest technology for dust filtration. Keep your chimney healthy with Clean Sweep Chimney Services Inc. and you’ll always breathe easy!