Older homes in the Collinsville, IL area reflect the charm and architecture from years past. This gives them a tremendous amount of appeal, however, there can be some downsides to these types of homes. Having an older chimney can create some problems including not having a chimney liner. If you want to learn about some of the most common problems that can occur in these older chimneys, keep reading!

The Home Can Settle
Usually, when a home settles it doesn’t necessarily cause damage to the foundation. However, with older homes, there is a greater chance of damage that can be caused by a shifting foundation. Finding cracks in the masonry is one of the symptoms of settling that can occur. Bricks are quite durable, having the ability to last a century or more if undamaged. However, mortar can only last around 25 years at best. This is because moisture and settling can deteriorate the masonry system, especially the motor. A chimney will start to lean and can even collapse.
Not Having a Chimney Liner can be Dangerous
Starting in the 1940s the absence of a chimney liner have been seen as a danger by fire safety experts. Chimney liners were made mandatory in the Collinsville, IL area in the 1950s. However, the historic homes from the 1940s and earlier were unfortunately constructed without chimney liners. There are several dangers that can come from chimneys that do not have any protective liner on them.
The Threat of a House Fire
An issue that some homes encounter is the lack of protection from combustible parts. This is because when homes are built without a chimney liner or have a damaged chimney liner. The exposed materials that are used in combustion can go through a gradual process known as pyrolysis. As a result, the structures can become altered and combust at a lower temperature. This is how some older homes can have a house fire that spreads rapidly throughout the home.

No Chimney Liner can expose you to Carbon Monoxide
Chimney liners are also crucial in keeping out toxic gases that occur from combustion and ensuring that they leave your home and go into the outside world. However, when there is an absence of a chimney liner, then these gases can silently escape into your home. One of these gases is Carbon monoxide. Carbon Monoxide is known as a silent killer because it is an invisible, odorless, and tasteless gas that is one of the deadliest gases that can escape into your home.
No matter how old your home is, you want to make sure that your chimney is up to date and is keeping your family protected and warm. Contact us at Clean Sweep & Chimney Services Inc today and we will get someone out there to look at your chimney!