1. Why Do Chimneys Need to be Cleaned by Professional Chimney Sweepers?

Burning wood produces creosote, a byproduct that accumulates inside chimneys every time you burn wood in your fireplace. Typical temperatures inside chimneys range from 400 to 500 degrees. In chimneys that are not cleaned regularly, creosote buildup can increase temperatures by as much as 1500 degrees. At these extremely dangerous temperatures, flue liners can shatter, or your chimney could crack open. In some cases, a thermal shock explosion created by 2000-degree chimney temperatures could dislodge bricks out of your chimney.
Chimney maintenance is essential to preventing creosote buildup that can lead to chimney damage and fires. Clean Sweep Chimney Service in Troy, Illinois recommends having your chimney inspected and cleaned annually.
2. I Use Store-bought Chemicals to Keep My Chimney Clean. Isn’t That Enough?
Powders and sprays are available that claim to keep your chimney “clean”. However, don’t be fooled by what these products claim. Although chemicals found in wood treatment products simply convert accumulated creosote into a less flammable, more easily removable type of creosote, these products should not be considered as substitutes for professional chimney maintenance. Creosote needs swept away using industry-grade brushes equipped with special bristles to completely remove creosote buildup.
3. I Want My Chimney Cleaned But I’m Afraid of the Mess It Will Leave Behind. How Long Will It Take to Clean Up After a Chimney Cleaning?
Our chimney service in Troy, Illinois uses equipment that effectively controls dust so that it doesn’t invade the rest of your home. We also lay drop cloths that we remove after we are finished. While brushing down your chimney, we utilize special vacuum hoses that instantly collect debris so little to no dried creosote ever leaves the chimney.
4. What is a Chimney Inspection?
During an inspection, our chimney maintenance technicians assess chimney flue size, what kind of wood you burn, liner type, and whether your fireplace complies with state and federal building codes. We also check to see if a chimney cap is present and ensure connections involving heating components are properly installed.
5. What Causes a Fireplace to Smoke and Smell Odd?

Chimneys must have the capacity and draft to allow smoke to flow out the flue. If your chimney is too cold while in operation, reduced draft pressure won’t be enough to push smoke from your chimney. This may be causing fireplace smoke to move into the room. Other common reasons for a smoking fireplace include improperly sized flues, overly long connector pipe, a buildup of creosote, or a missing cleanout door.
If burning wood in your fireplace produces an unpleasant odor, you probably need your chimney swept. Call Clean Sweep Chimney Service in Troy, Illinois to make an appointment today.
6. Do Fireplaces Using Gas Logs Need to be Cleaned?
Yes! Gas logs emit soot and other debris just like wood logs. In addition, you should have a gas log fireplace inspected to ensure levels of CO2 and other harmful gases are at safe levels in your home.
7. My Chimney Bricks are Deteriorating and Crumbling. Why is This Happening?
Scheduling regular chimney maintenance to avoid spalling can help prevent a collapsing chimney. Spalling occurs when moisture penetrates a chimney’s masonry and undergoes freeze/thaw cycles that constrict and expand masonry. We recommend having our technicians waterproof your chimney using industry-specific waterproofing technology.
Do you have more frequently asked questions about your chimney we did not include? Give us a call today and Clean Sweep Chimney Services technicians will be happy to answer your questions about chimney services in Troy, Illinois.